Gone Building

On occasion, I like to drive around and re-visit places I’ve photographed, just to see if anything has changed.

I was saddened, then, when I drove by one of my favorite locales – of what I thought was a beautiful, old, stone building – and saw that it has now been torn down.

Here are my final photos of it, taken earlier this year…


Look at the beautiful old stone (I think it’s limestone, but I’m not certain)


And, quite frankly, the structure seems pretty sound… especially for a building that lasted most of a century! I guess looks can be deceiving – or the land-owner had more important use for this parcel of land.

Alas (you know I love that word!), I guess the old adage is true: not all things are meant to last forever.

Thank you, Nicéphore Niépce for pioneering the field of photography, so memories like this can be kept alive!

(quick knowledge/history bomb to drop: The Frenchman, Nicéphore Niépce, is widely credited as the inventor of photography. He developed heliography, a technique he used to create the world’s oldest surviving product of a photographic process: a print made from a photoengraved printing plate in 1825. In 1826 or 1827, he used a primitive camera to produce the oldest surviving photograph of a real-world scene.)

Thanks for stopping by – have a great day!

And A Year Goes By

Well, it was simply beautiful here yesterday.

Sun was shining.

Amazing blue sky.

Birds chirping.

And the COLORS!

Here, let me show you:


Made me think, “what was it like this time last year?”

So I looked and…




It was snowing!!

Yep, one year ago (yesterday, when I intended to post this!)  was our first measurable snowfall.

Glad there is a difference this year!

Oh Mother Nature… you sure do keep us on our toes!

Thanks for stopping by – have a great day!

Wednesday Wisdom 2

I started out thinking I’d post a wise quote for today’s Wednesday Wisdom but, no surprise, I got side-tracked.

I got so caught up in enjoying reading Autumn and October quotes that I was more inspired to share something along those lines.

It must be the right decision, otherwise I’d be sharing something else! (there’s some wisdom for ya right there!)


It is the perfect pause…

Thanks for stopping by – have a great day!


It’s heee-eerrree!

Welcome to my favorite time of year!

In a few short weeks, the colors of Fall will be painting the trees and shrubs.

The farmers will be out in their fields harvesting their crops.

And there will be a refreshing crispness in the air.

So I thought I’d share a few photos from my trek around during peak colors last year:


“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.” (Albert Camus)


“Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the Fall.”  (F. Scott Fitzgerald)

Clearly it’s not just my favorite season – other people do get awfully poetic this time of year!

Get ready to go out and enjoy what Mother Nature has to offer!

Thanks for stopping by – have a great day!!


To purchase these and any photos you see here on my blog, contact me at:  artbycarolcook@yahoo.com  – and also check out my artsite:   www.artbycarol.imagekind.com

Full Box of Crayons

I missed posting yesterday’s “Wednesday Wisdom” – I wasn’t near my computer long enough to edit and post.

Why? (you are so great at asking questions! lol)

Because I was out taking photos!

I’ve made it more-than clear that Autumn is my favorite time of year.

I love the colors and crispness of the air.

And guess what is right around the corner (next week!)??

hint: 09/22!! YAY!!

And guess what has already begun?


Yes, I captured this yesterday morning. I’m so excited!

As today’s post title says, Mother Nature has her crayons out!

And, in the spirit of Autumn, here’s yesterday’s post:


Ready for wine! (or jelly… or just to pick and eat)

Thanks for stopping by – enjoy your day!


remember, you can always purchase prints by contacting me or buying directly from:


Hello, September!

It’s hard to believe, with all of the photos of blooming roses (and other florals) I’ve been posting recently, that the first day of Autumn is just a few weeks away…

I’m psyched!


You all must know by now that Autumn is my favorite season (perhaps minus the seasonal allergies, but I digress!) and my favorite reason for living in a 4-season climate!

All of the colors painted in nature.

And the crispness of the air.

And football! (I do so love watching football)

Believe me, it’s still Summer outside right now (oh, the humidity! haha!) so I’ll keep on enjoying that, but soon enough…


Thanks for stopping by – have a great Labor Day!

Between the Drops

No Rose Garden today. (awww…)

It’s been raining here lately. Finally.

or Again.

or however you want to look at it.

Let’s just say we were going through a dry spell and a little bit of rain is not only necessary, it’s refreshing! (and smells wonderful!)

So, of course, I grabbed the camera and out I went.

Perfect drop, just waiting for gravity to take over:

A look from under the small branch:


Nestled in the leaf:


Speaking of gravity…


The good thing is that even without the regular rainfall, our greens didn’t fade.

Makes for pretty cool photos, if I do say so myself!

Until next time…

Thanks for stopping by – have a great day!

Rose Garden 6

Today from the Rose Garden:


While so beautiful to look at, red is so difficult to photograph.

Why? you ask? (you’re so smart!)

Because red is such a hard color for cameras to decipher.

Red is at the top of the scale of wavelengths of visible light. Not only is it hard to photograph, it is one of the hardest colors to see. It borders on the line next to “Near-Infrared” and is almost beyond the range of human vision.

Our eyes “auto hdr” everything without us even knowing. They see color and tonal variation and dynamic range variation that a single sensor single shot cannot do.

Good thing all of that doesn’t keep me from taking the photograph!

…I do love a challenge!

Thanks for stopping by – have a great day!

Rose Garden 5

Today from the Rose Garden:


They aren’t your plain-ol’ single color roses, people! (you’re welcome!)

There are the tipped roses like this yellow and pink gem:


and this white and coral:


or this one, the opposite looking bi-colored rose (looks like someone took a brush and swiped or dripped color in the middle but left the outer petals alone):


or this stunning candy-striped rose:


How do they do that?!?!

As I go through all the photos I took from this rose garden trip, I’m continually amazed at just how beautiful they all truly are! I’m not sure what I’ll share next, so stay tuned!

Thanks for stopping by – have a great day

Rose Garden 4

Today from the Rose Garden:



Fun with Photography and Photo Editing!

If I didn’t tell you I was in a rose garden, would you know that these are floral?


this one’s full of love:


this one meows:


and these seem out of this world… or from the ocean floor:


And not a single rose in this bunch!

Thanks for stopping by – have a great day!