It’s Spring!

Welcome to Spring!

Pretty soon, everything will be blooming and nature will put on a vast and varied treat for the eyes.

In fact, my lilac bushes and the trees in my neighborhood are already budding.

The Daffodils and Lilies and Mint are pushing through the recently frozen ground…


and giving way to the promise to perfume the air and color the landscape. (that was rather poetic, was it not?!)


Wow! Those photos make it look like they’re really growing, doesn’t it?

Actually, I laid on the ground (the neighbors didn’t look at me like I was crazy at all) and put the camera down in a low spot.

The plants are 1 – 1.5 inches tall at most.

But after the dreary and colorless (that may be a bit dramatic) end of Winter, they seem like mighty giants!

Yay for Spring!

Thanks for stopping by – come back any time. Cheers!

In Like a Lamb

Welcome to March!

We were supposed to get some snow, but there was just a ‘dusting’ (I don’t think that counts!) so the new month is beginning… well… lamb-ish.

The sun is shining brightly through the trees:


(yes, that one didn’t drop its leaves before winter… gives us some extra yard work to look forward to in Spring. blech!)

And, while there was a cat on the prowl:


There was no lion!

Not at midnight, nor at noon.

Anyway, you know I love how pretty snow is.

And the warmth of the sunshine is nice.

But, I wonder…

is it too much to hope that March goes out like a lamb, too?

We only have to wait and see!

Thanks for stopping by – come back anytime.

And A Year Goes By

Well, it was simply beautiful here yesterday.

Sun was shining.

Amazing blue sky.

Birds chirping.

And the COLORS!

Here, let me show you:


Made me think, “what was it like this time last year?”

So I looked and…




It was snowing!!

Yep, one year ago (yesterday, when I intended to post this!)  was our first measurable snowfall.

Glad there is a difference this year!

Oh Mother Nature… you sure do keep us on our toes!

Thanks for stopping by – have a great day!

Puddle jumping

We are having a wonderful taste of Spring today!

I decided to puddle-jump instead of be grouchy with all the standing water from melting snow – after all, clothes and body can be washed and dried – why not have some fun and adventure? (yeah, even if I look a little stupid doing it!)

My cardinal friend just kind of sat there and watched me…


probably wondering why I just didn’t take off!

Still not complaining

I admit it, the closer it gets to the official start day of Spring, the more difficult it is to “enjoy the current season” (humph!)

And then, I talk to my wonderful friend in Florida today who told me that he was heading to the beach (the one I went to last summer) and that he was having difficulty hearing me with the top down on his convertible.

Not that he was rubbing it in. (yeah, right! he was totally rubbing it in! lol!)

So here’s his view today:


And here’s mine:


At least we both have blue skies!

And in my defense, the snow is melting!

But suddenly, one of us is re-thinking their choice in winter-weather homes.

I wonder… can you guess which one?

(ps: I mentioned I’m still not complaining, right?!)


I spent an hour or so outside today.

It was warm enough for some melting and the sun was shining (well, at the moment it still is…) and it just felt good to be outside.

It’s not exactly warm enough to just hang out, after all it is still Winter, so I came back in to do some work.

As I was going through some of my more recent bubble photos I was particularly drawn to the reflection in this one:


Is it just me, or is that bubble reflecting lips?

Pink lips, to be more specific.

Cool, right?!

Well, sorry to…

burst your bubble! (hahaha!! yeah I did!!)…

but it’s not actually pink lips.

I don’t know what is really being reflected – all I know is that when I started writing I knew I just had to do the ‘burst your bubble’ joke! hahaha!!


Did you know?

Apparently there is this amazing phenomenon that happens every single day – it’s called “the Sunrise” (I can hear your oooo’s and ahhh’s!)

Of course I say “apparently” because this chick does not get up to see the sunrise on a daily basis. (I’m not crazy!! hehe!)

And, on those rare and special occasions that I do drag-butt out of bed and have the presence of mind to have the camera ready to go, I can capture some really beautiful scenes:

Through the trees.

Through the trees.

And show evidence that there are those who rise much, much earlier:

Criss-cross trails.

Criss-cross trails – beautiful colors!

Now, we all know that I could wax philosophical here about how there are only a fixed number of sunrises and sunsets to be enjoyed in a lifetime, which is why this self-proclaimed “not-a-morning-chick” gets out of bed and captures a sunrise every now and then (sunsets are so much easier!)

But I won’t…

because we are all lucky enough to get 7 whole sunrises ever week!

Ok, I’ll stop.

For now.

Snow Love

Weather is funny.

Yesterday it was about 20 degrees and we had 7 inches of snow.

Today it’s almost 50 degrees and sunny.

What is this? Colorado?! (it isn’t…)

Anyway, I thought I’d share another photograph from my snow photowalk yesterday.

It’s a reminder that love is all around…




Warmth and sunshine

It made it over freezing today for the first time in what feels like months (but surely can’t have been, right?!)

39 degrees as a matter of fact – that’s downright balmy!

And it’s slowly melting which is filling up the local creeks:




coming toward ya!


By afternoon, that snow was off the top of the rocks.

This warm up is also definitely a plus for my neighbor, this is his house:


Some of those icicles are about 2 feet long… not good, but the (relatively) warm temperature and sunshine shrank them a little.

Anyway, it was fun being outside on a day like today after so many super-cold, snowy and cloudy days…

and even though it’s supposed to get colder and snow again.

Ah, such is winter!

Be Amazing

Risk more than is required. Learn more than is normal.

Be strong. Show courage.

Breathe. Excel. Love. Lead.

Speak your truth. Live your values.

Laugh. Cry. Innovate. Simplify.

Adore mastery. Release mediocrity. Aim for genius. Stay humble.

Be kinder than expected.

Deliver more than is needed. Exude passion. Shatter your limits.

Transcend your fears. Inspire others by your bigness. Dream big but start small.


Act now.

Don’t stop.

Change the world.

(text is “The Rules for Being Amazing” by Robin Sharma)