It’s Spring!

Welcome to Spring!

Pretty soon, everything will be blooming and nature will put on a vast and varied treat for the eyes.

In fact, my lilac bushes and the trees in my neighborhood are already budding.

The Daffodils and Lilies and Mint are pushing through the recently frozen ground…


and giving way to the promise to perfume the air and color the landscape. (that was rather poetic, was it not?!)


Wow! Those photos make it look like they’re really growing, doesn’t it?

Actually, I laid on the ground (the neighbors didn’t look at me like I was crazy at all) and put the camera down in a low spot.

The plants are 1 – 1.5 inches tall at most.

But after the dreary and colorless (that may be a bit dramatic) end of Winter, they seem like mighty giants!

Yay for Spring!

Thanks for stopping by – come back any time. Cheers!

Still not complaining

I admit it, the closer it gets to the official start day of Spring, the more difficult it is to “enjoy the current season” (humph!)

And then, I talk to my wonderful friend in Florida today who told me that he was heading to the beach (the one I went to last summer) and that he was having difficulty hearing me with the top down on his convertible.

Not that he was rubbing it in. (yeah, right! he was totally rubbing it in! lol!)

So here’s his view today:


And here’s mine:


At least we both have blue skies!

And in my defense, the snow is melting!

But suddenly, one of us is re-thinking their choice in winter-weather homes.

I wonder… can you guess which one?

(ps: I mentioned I’m still not complaining, right?!)

Photowalk 30

We had a blizzard here last night.

Not the ice cream treat.

But it was still pretty awesome!

Steady 35+ mph winds with gusts between 55 and 58 mph made it so I could barely see across the street!

So what did I do? (do I have to ask? really?)

one view: 2 different cameras = 2 very different photos

one view: 2 different cameras = 2 very different photos

around the side, wind was to my back. doesn't look very daunting or signifigant at all

around the side, wind was to my back. doesn’t look very daunting or significant at all

lens pointed directly into the wind. if you look closely, there's a spruce tree on the right side of the photo only about 15 feet away from where I stood

lens pointed directly into the wind. if you look closely, there’s a spruce tree on the right side of the photo only about 15 feet away from where I stood

This was really a cool weather event (pardon the pun!) and it was fun to experience it while it was going on.

Even from inside, watching the snow whip around and listening to the wind howl… so fascinating!

No, I’m not crazy…

my Mother had me tested! (shout out to Sheldon on Big Bang! hehe!)

As fun as this was, however, I do admit that once is enough.

Cheers to the 2nd half of winter being mild and not as eventful!

Saturday Signboard #30

Sometimes you just have to change your perspective and


…look at things differently.

Maybe just do a cartwheel with your eyes open.

It helps. Really!

Enjoy your Saturday!

If you don’t like the weather…

If you don’t like changes in weather, this would not be a good place for you to live.

On Monday, you remember, the windchill had our temps way below zero in the -30’s and -40’s.

Just 4 short days later (right now) it’s +36 degrees (yes, that’s above zero! woo hoo!)

That’s a 70ish degree fluctuation.

Crazy right?!

The good news is that some of the snow is melting and the creeks are flowing:

can see a frozen patch just above the small waterfall

you can still see a frozen patch just above the small waterfall created by the man-made dam

the water is flowing pretty freely

the water is flowing pretty freely

another view from almost right above the dam

another view from almost right above the dam

Oh, did I mention it’s also raining at the moment?

And it is supposed to turn to snow later when the temperature drops again (snow-covered icy streets makes for interesting driving and it’s something that’s not fun!)

See? If you don’t like the weather, just wait for a few minutes… it’ll probably be something different!

Enjoy your weekend!

Making his case

Louden has been clearly (and loudly!) voicing his displeasure over the recent weather here.

Yesterday, he took it upon himself to make a statement.

He was meowing and meowing and it took me a few minutes to find him.

But when I did, I think it was pretty obvious what he was telling me…

"Found the suitcase! Let's head to FL... Now!"

“Found the suitcase! Let’s head to FL… Now!”

After a few days of below zero temps, I can’t say that I wasn’t thinking the same thing!

I think we’ll stick it out here though.

For now, anyway!

Enjoy your day!


The wind is blowing.

The sun is shining.

Let’s go sailing!

(or not-so-much!)

Since there’s snow on the ground.

And the temperature is heading below zero.


Parked for the winter. It’s probably best…


Twin boats, side by side… in the snow!


That yellow sure jumps out of the photograph on this hazy, winter day.

Maybe it’s just me, but the sight of all these boats on a day like today (yes, even snow-covered!) gives me a hopeful, happy, warm feeling.

Or maybe that’s just the heat kicking on…

Enjoy the first Friday of the year!!

Fine Feathered Friend

Every morning I go outside (mostly at the loud urging of my assistant) and one of the first things I do is put down seed for the birds.

And every morning, Mr. Cardinal chirps his greeting to me (how nice!)

…either that or he’s asking me what the heck took me so long to get his food to him.

…or he’s telling me that he sees Louden lurking around and he’s not a fan.

When I replied to him (what? I don’t talk to birds!)

What I meant to say was:
When I listened to his song, it occurred to me that Mr. Cardinal and I have spent some quality time together and, after searching through my photographs, I found that I have in fact chronicled our year together:

4 season cardinal1

Know what else?

It also means that I have completed a Photowalk idea off my list, and I didnt’ even realize it until today!

“follow one subject (ex: tree) throughout the year and photograph it in each season”

Thanks Mr. Cardinal!

Because of this realization and in the spirit of the new year, I’m making a serious effort to be more aware of my artistic goals and ideas; take them more seriously; and improve upon them when I can.

Goals are good!

Loving Snow

It’s amazing what you see when you’re not looking…

if you just open your eyes!


Yes, I’m certain that what shows up in this photograph is at least 2 snowflakes, but a heart is a heart!

And I’m amazed by how many hearts have been appearing in my life!

Be open!

‘Tis the season!

Saturday Signboard #27

It’s the Winter Solstice

(wow, doesn’t today seem like a really, really short day?! haha!!)


Welcome the returning sun with joy!

Have a great weekend!