

Long time, no write!

I know. I’ve just been in a bit of a down-turn on the ol’ life rollercoaster.

Stuff happens I guess.

So… Hi!

Yes. I know. Pretty lame on the “re-dedicating” myself to blogging and stuff…


Do I have a good excuse?

No… I have AN excuse, but it’s not a good one.

Will I do better from now on?



Another year begins

Welcome to 2017!

I started the year thinking “I think I’ll blog again” — even though I’m told it’s not “in” anymore (so sounds like a perfect thing for me to do!) Admittedly, I doubt very much it will be the daily blog that I did a few years ago, and I don’t know if I’ll concentrate on photography or making posters & memes at all,  or if I’ll include any images of paintings or drawings I may do.

Quite frankly, right now I’m not sure what this will be.

I’ve been in kind of a holding pattern. For too long. I don’t exactly know what I want to do, or where this will take me, but I know that I need to jump in & get the hell out of my own way!

In defense of my actions (or lack there of) I did get tired of having my hopes dashed: people in my life expecting free art, hearing “friends” say they’d rather get cheap art at a big box store than purchase mine, declined entries in shows, declined entry in masters program – I even got denied a place in a permanent show at a children’s hospital (I assume, since I never heard back from them, but if I see my artwork anywhere in that building, there will be an issue…) That’s a lot of NO!

The big question is:  how does one come back from that? Well, that’s another thing I don’t know.

What I do know is that it’s time to get out of the self-inflicted lack of creativity that I’ve been in for a while now.

Speaking of, I also still long to live on a farm. In the country. Fresh air & wide open spaces to spark my dormant creativity.  It’s my happy place – currently residing only in my dreams… for now.

So, come along with me on this journey if you choose, it will either go well or it won’t… but I won’t know unless I do it. Right?


Thanks for stopping by!

Love Life, Be Brave

I like jewelry.

I also like to wear jewelry.

But the funny thing is, I haven’t really been wearing jewelry for the past few years.

It’s possible that some of you are thinking, this is not a huge revelation or deep insight to share. I know.

Anyway, I decided that one of my (easy-to-keep) 2015 resolutions would be to wear jewelry every day, whether or not I had somewhere to go or something special to do.

Now, this may seem trivial (yeah, who cares?!) or maybe even border-line arrogant (oh, look at her, she has jewelry, brag much?! and la-ti-da!)

But for me, this actually does go deeper than the ‘frosting on the cake’ that is rings-and-things. It has meaning and nuance and, ok, it does make me feel happy to match my accessories to my outfit (or pj’s as the case may be…)

And, I don’t know if this is ironic — maybe it’s just a coincidence — but the first ring I picked up at the start of the new year was this one:


A ring. With a simple but powerful message:

“Love Life  —  Be Brave”

I wear it every day as a reminder. And a goal.

And I think you might agree…

It does have a nice RING to it (see what I did there?! lol!!)

Hope you’re all having a great start to this new year.

Thanks for stopping by – Cheers!

Happy 2015!

Hope this is the beginning of a wonderful year for us all!


Thanks for stopping by – Cheers!

Merry Christmas, 2014

As the Christmas holiday draws near, I simply want to extend to all of you:


Hope Santa gets you all exactly what you wish for!


May you have the best holiday season yet!

Thanks for stopping by – have a great day!

Veteran’s Day 2014

In memory of my USAF Veteran Dad, and for all of the Veterans and active military who courageously put their lives on the line to protect our freedoms and serve our citizenship in times of peace, disaster, and need: Thank you!


Note about the photo:
This was taken in a cemetery nearby. It is a statue that marks the grave of this family’s only son (only child!) who was killed in WWII – and it is his likeness. What a beautiful (and sad) tribute.

Remember to shake the hand of a Veteran or active-duty Military person and thank them for their service — not just today but feel free to do it on any day…

And, since it’s getting to be that time of year,  please remember service members when filling out your Christmas Card list:
Holiday Mail for Heroes Campaign (Christmas Letters)
Each year the American Red Cross provides assistance to more than 2 million service members and many of our nation’s 24 million veterans. We support military families, military and veterans hospitals and provide emergency communications across the globe. And once a year, we get the joy of delivering holiday cards to veterans, military families and active-duty service members at hospitals and installations around the world. The cards and personal messages, sent by tens of thousands of Americans, provide a welcome “touch of home” for our troops during the holiday season.

Thanks for stopping by – have a great day

Wednesday Wisdom 2

I started out thinking I’d post a wise quote for today’s Wednesday Wisdom but, no surprise, I got side-tracked.

I got so caught up in enjoying reading Autumn and October quotes that I was more inspired to share something along those lines.

It must be the right decision, otherwise I’d be sharing something else! (there’s some wisdom for ya right there!)


It is the perfect pause…

Thanks for stopping by – have a great day!

World Gratitude Day

World Gratitude Day is today (Sept. 21st)
It’s not a well-known or even particularly observed “holiday”

But that’s okay.
Let’s just make every day “Gratitude Day”!
It begins like this: “I am grateful for…”
See how easy?!
Thanks for stopping by – have a wonderful day!

Nine Eleven

We’ll always remember this day.


And where we were when it happened.

Thanks for stopping by – spread love!

Wednesday Wisdom 1

When I was posting daily, I also regularly made posters from my photographs and quotes & sayings I liked.

I kinda miss doing that.

So I’m starting up again (yay!)

This saying came across my computer today – sharing the message with those of you who have supported me from the beginning seemed rather apropos:


Thanks for stopping by – enjoy your day!