

Long time, no write!

I know. I’ve just been in a bit of a down-turn on the ol’ life rollercoaster.

Stuff happens I guess.

So… Hi!

Yes. I know. Pretty lame on the “re-dedicating” myself to blogging and stuff…


Do I have a good excuse?

No… I have AN excuse, but it’s not a good one.

Will I do better from now on?



Outside The Box

As you all know, I’m just in the beginning of this re-dedication to the basics of my drawing and sketching, but I’ve already found out at least one super-important thing:

I need to step outside my usual, go-to ideas and ways.

It seems I have a formula to not only my approach to art, but in subject-matter, style… everything. There has recently been a familiar, run-of-the-mill-ness – dare I say a stagnant? – approach.   And result.

Now, I’m not saying it’s bad or wrong, nor will I abandon it completely because sometimes it’s what I’m feeling at that moment.  What I am saying for sure though, is that it’s time for me to push the boundaries and try new things. And if I don’t, can we say:  b-o-r-i-n-g?!

Which brings me to today’s sketch of the week.

My list (that I referred to in the last post) suggested a skull & crossbones. (What?!) Interesting. Definitely not something I’d have considered in the past. In fact, in the past I probably would have skipped over this idea and gone onto the next, more “me” idea.  But not today!

So I did a little searching for ideas and I found one that jumped out at me.

Now, keep in mind this is just the beginning of this & there’s a lot left to do. But I wanted so share because it is so out of the ordinary for me – and quite frankly, I think it’s a good start.

Skull with Snake

Definitely a skull. No crossbones.

Funny thing, too – I actually feel kind of excited about this one – and that hasn’t happened for a long time. Could it be that after a bunch of years I’ve finally decided to break out of my previous “normal” and, in doing so, might actually stretch my art muscles?!

Who knows where this will lead? (hint: I certainly don’t! hahaha!)

Thanks for stopping by!

Another year begins

Welcome to 2017!

I started the year thinking “I think I’ll blog again” — even though I’m told it’s not “in” anymore (so sounds like a perfect thing for me to do!) Admittedly, I doubt very much it will be the daily blog that I did a few years ago, and I don’t know if I’ll concentrate on photography or making posters & memes at all,  or if I’ll include any images of paintings or drawings I may do.

Quite frankly, right now I’m not sure what this will be.

I’ve been in kind of a holding pattern. For too long. I don’t exactly know what I want to do, or where this will take me, but I know that I need to jump in & get the hell out of my own way!

In defense of my actions (or lack there of) I did get tired of having my hopes dashed: people in my life expecting free art, hearing “friends” say they’d rather get cheap art at a big box store than purchase mine, declined entries in shows, declined entry in masters program – I even got denied a place in a permanent show at a children’s hospital (I assume, since I never heard back from them, but if I see my artwork anywhere in that building, there will be an issue…) That’s a lot of NO!

The big question is:  how does one come back from that? Well, that’s another thing I don’t know.

What I do know is that it’s time to get out of the self-inflicted lack of creativity that I’ve been in for a while now.

Speaking of, I also still long to live on a farm. In the country. Fresh air & wide open spaces to spark my dormant creativity.  It’s my happy place – currently residing only in my dreams… for now.

So, come along with me on this journey if you choose, it will either go well or it won’t… but I won’t know unless I do it. Right?


Thanks for stopping by!

It’s Spring!

Welcome to Spring!

Pretty soon, everything will be blooming and nature will put on a vast and varied treat for the eyes.

In fact, my lilac bushes and the trees in my neighborhood are already budding.

The Daffodils and Lilies and Mint are pushing through the recently frozen ground…


and giving way to the promise to perfume the air and color the landscape. (that was rather poetic, was it not?!)


Wow! Those photos make it look like they’re really growing, doesn’t it?

Actually, I laid on the ground (the neighbors didn’t look at me like I was crazy at all) and put the camera down in a low spot.

The plants are 1 – 1.5 inches tall at most.

But after the dreary and colorless (that may be a bit dramatic) end of Winter, they seem like mighty giants!

Yay for Spring!

Thanks for stopping by – come back any time. Cheers!

Tonight’s the Night

Thought I’d take the time to remind you:


…As if anyone actually needs to be reminded!

I mean, it’s not like Spring is just around the corner or anything!

(can you feel it?!)

Anyway, enjoy your [shortened] weekend!

Thanks for stopping by – come back anytime!



In Like a Lamb

Welcome to March!

We were supposed to get some snow, but there was just a ‘dusting’ (I don’t think that counts!) so the new month is beginning… well… lamb-ish.

The sun is shining brightly through the trees:


(yes, that one didn’t drop its leaves before winter… gives us some extra yard work to look forward to in Spring. blech!)

And, while there was a cat on the prowl:


There was no lion!

Not at midnight, nor at noon.

Anyway, you know I love how pretty snow is.

And the warmth of the sunshine is nice.

But, I wonder…

is it too much to hope that March goes out like a lamb, too?

We only have to wait and see!

Thanks for stopping by – come back anytime.

Cool Buns!



No complaints…

other than the lack of seating options.

Don’t want to sit here:


Here, either:


Guess we’ll just stay inside and snuggle up:



He’s really good at that, isn’t he?!

There are a lot of people ready for the snow to be gone and for Spring to be here.

Not me.

I think I’ll just keep enjoying each day as it comes.

Thanks for stopping by – come back any time!




Whew, snow!

Unpopular as it may seem, especially during the season, I happen to like Winter.

And snow.

Oh I mean – And ❊ SNOW! ❊ (insert smiley face here!)

Yes, I do! (another smiley face!)

Seriously, I was beginning to think that Spring came way too soon – the snow we had pretty much all melted, the grass was green, and people weren’t complaining about the weather (yeah, I went there! lol!)

I mean, even I had opened a window not 2 days ago to let the fresh air in. It was almost 50 degrees in January…

which doesn’t seem right…

because it’s not!

‘Cause… see? Pretty!


Even in black & white (maybe more so):


Ok, maybe snow is kinda a downer when I have to drive in it (let’s be honest, that has to do more with other drivers than the snow, itself).

And sure, there is the “too much of a good thing” argument, like high snowfall or below-zero temps.

But we’re supposed to have 4 seasons in this climate – we need to have 4 seasons!

…if only for us to have something to talk about.   (◕‿~)

So like the old saying goes:
When Mother Nature gives you snow, make snowballs!

Thanks for stopping by – Cheers!

Happy 2015!

Hope this is the beginning of a wonderful year for us all!


Thanks for stopping by – Cheers!

Merry Christmas, 2014

As the Christmas holiday draws near, I simply want to extend to all of you:


Hope Santa gets you all exactly what you wish for!


May you have the best holiday season yet!

Thanks for stopping by – have a great day!