Lines blurred

To paraphrase Confucius:

If you choose a job you love to do, it’s quite possible you’ll never feel like it’s work.


And if the fun job-thing doesn’t work out, at least you can try to  have a fun hobby! (<— silver lining!!)


I’ll take the interesting part (to an extent… my life doesn’t have to be super-duper-over-the-top meaningful, if you know what I mean! lol!)


Hope you all had a great weekend. Cheers!

Saturday Signboard #30

Sometimes you just have to change your perspective and


…look at things differently.

Maybe just do a cartwheel with your eyes open.

It helps. Really!

Enjoy your Saturday!

Saturday Signboard #28

Signboard #28 on the 28th!

That’s a fun coincidence (and maybe a good sign?!)

I couldn’t have planned it better if I tried!



PS: Happy Birthday to my brother (the one whose birthday is today! hehe!!) Hope you’re having a great day!!

Tropical Dreams

I looked back on the last week or so of posts and realized that they’ve mostly been of snow.

Add to that the current dreary, cloudy, rain/freezing-rain, waiting-for-six-to-12-inches-of-snowfall kind of day.

Then add to that a few family members and a friend who live in Florida that have called and asked “How’s the weather?” (snicker-guffaw) and “Is it sunny and 85 there today, too?” (did I mention snicker-guffaw?!)

And it makes a gal wax nostalgic for a short 6 months ago when I was lounging in the warmth of the Florida sunshine.

wait... is that green grass?!

beautiful water and breaking waves! wait… is that green grass?!

ahhh... feel that warm sun!

ahhh… feel that warm sun!

Again I want to make clear that I am not complaining about the current weather here (ok, maybe I am a little bit… I mean snow is ok but icy roads? that’s crap!) but even the photos of the blue ocean and sky and the sunshine are warming me up and putting a smile on my face.

Hope you all have a warm and happy Friday!

PS: You can take advantage of a free upgrade to next-day shipping if you purchase any of my photographs and posters from imagekind!  (offer ends at midnight tonight)
Here are the links to my galleries:

Saturday Signboard #10

It’s summer here again… I just mean that the temps have (finally) gone back up to summertime 90’s (yay!)

Yeah, I’m that person who wants the seasons to feel like they’re supposed to here.

Hot summers and cold, snowy winters. YES!

Of course, hot temps make me daydream of sandy beaches…


Sounds like a fantastic idea…

I’ll meet ya there!

A few tips…

When I began as a photographer with a digital camera (I specify because I actually began in photography with a 35mm film camera!) these are some tips that helped me get going ~ and still help me when I’m feeling ‘stuck’ (which happens more than I’d care to admit!)

1. Don’t go crazy buying the most expensive equipment right away.
It is possible to get good quality photos with an inexpensive point and shoot. In fact I have even won a few contests with photographs from my first point & shoot camera. The more you practice & learn now, the more you’ll know about what kind of camera to get when it’s time to upgrade.

cool cloud formation!

cool cloud formation!

2. However, do consider a tripod.
Some photographs are just plain better when you take out the “shake factor” ~ especially good for when you’re using dim lighting and/or longer exposure time.

feeding time

feeding time

3. Enjoy the learning process.
The best part of photography is never running out of things to learn. Inspiration is all around you. Look at everything with the eyes of a photographer and you’ll see opportunities you never noticed before.

can I interest you in some insurance? haha

can I interest you in some insurance? haha!

4. Keep your camera with you all the time.
I’ve mentioned this already in previous posts. Photo ops often come when you least expect it. If you can keep your equipment relatively simple – just a small camera bag and a tripod – you might be able to take advantage of some of those unexpected opportunities.

wave crash

wave crash

5. Make a list of shots you’d like to get.
For those times you can’t carry your camera around (for shame!), keep a small notebook to jot down places you’d like to come back and photograph. Or, if your phone has a camera, use it to take “notes” on scenes you’d like to return to with your regular camera. Make sure to note any important details, like the lighting, so you can come back at the same time of day or when the weather’s right.

I think that last tip is key. I have an ongoing list, one that I add to when something new strikes me as photographable.

Or maybe…

The key is to actually use the list and take the photographs?!

Online Sale!!

It’s officially ON!

These are the images I’m selling:

online sale

For details, prices and to view images, click on this link:
this one to my facebook page and click on the “Online Sale!!” album

Thanks & enjoy!!

Photowalk 14

One of the final photowalks of Florida ~ this time off the coast of North Florida, on Amelia Island.

There are a lot of interesting and historical facts about this area (besides Ft. Clinch) like:
1) the 1988 movie “The Adventures of Pippi Longstocking” was filmed here.
2) nicknamed “The Isle of 8 Flags” it is the only municipality in the United States that has flown eight different national flags.
3) pirates (really!)

But today, I just want to hang at the beach:

walkway to paradise!

walkway to paradise!

pelican eyes it's food

a pelican eyes its food

shrimp boat in the distance

shrimp boat in the distance

we'll call him George... apparently this seagull thought we were bringing dinner, it followed us down the beach

apparently this seagull thought we were bringing its dinner, it followed us the entire way down the beach ~ regardless, I did get a cool reflection shot

I plan on sharing maybe one more photowalk of the area… I think. (wow, could that be more indecisive? haha!)

Today let’s just relax in the sand and enjoy the view and the breeze off the ocean.

Excellent idea if I do say so myself!