Tropical Dreams

I looked back on the last week or so of posts and realized that they’ve mostly been of snow.

Add to that the current dreary, cloudy, rain/freezing-rain, waiting-for-six-to-12-inches-of-snowfall kind of day.

Then add to that a few family members and a friend who live in Florida that have called and asked “How’s the weather?” (snicker-guffaw) and “Is it sunny and 85 there today, too?” (did I mention snicker-guffaw?!)

And it makes a gal wax nostalgic for a short 6 months ago when I was lounging in the warmth of the Florida sunshine.

wait... is that green grass?!

beautiful water and breaking waves! wait… is that green grass?!

ahhh... feel that warm sun!

ahhh… feel that warm sun!

Again I want to make clear that I am not complaining about the current weather here (ok, maybe I am a little bit… I mean snow is ok but icy roads? that’s crap!) but even the photos of the blue ocean and sky and the sunshine are warming me up and putting a smile on my face.

Hope you all have a warm and happy Friday!

PS: You can take advantage of a free upgrade to next-day shipping if you purchase any of my photographs and posters from imagekind!  (offer ends at midnight tonight)
Here are the links to my galleries:

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