Hello, September!

It’s hard to believe, with all of the photos of blooming roses (and other florals) I’ve been posting recently, that the first day of Autumn is just a few weeks away…

I’m psyched!


You all must know by now that Autumn is my favorite season (perhaps minus the seasonal allergies, but I digress!) and my favorite reason for living in a 4-season climate!

All of the colors painted in nature.

And the crispness of the air.

And football! (I do so love watching football)

Believe me, it’s still Summer outside right now (oh, the humidity! haha!) so I’ll keep on enjoying that, but soon enough…


Thanks for stopping by – have a great Labor Day!

Photowalk 33

I haven’t shared a photowalk for a while. So, with winter coming to an end (soon!) and spring fever rearing up, I thought I’d share a summer trip I took not too long ago to…

Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

There is a lot to do and see there besides the more well-known choices of catching a Major League Baseball game, the Miller Brewery tour (which in all honesty, was a blast!), and the Harley Davidson museum.

But there’s a lot more – the stunningly beautiful St. Josaphat Basilica, for example. And the downtown is a fantastic mix of old and modern buildings.

Ladybugs on the side of a building? Ok!


The Milwaukee Art Museum has several draws including the War Memorial Center, Cudahy Gardens and the Calatrava-designed Quadracci Pavilion (photo) – seriously, it’s a must-go place:


Lake Michigan:


There’s also a Riverwalk in the downtown which my friend Arthur and I personally give…


a thumbs-up! hehe!!

yep – that’s The Fonz (um… statue of course!) watching over the river.

I had a lot of fun & realize I’d like to go back at some point…

in the summer!! haha!

Sorry WI peeps – but there are way more things to do in the summer (and do I really have to point out the obvious temperature and weather truths?!) like free street fests and giant music fests at the fairgrounds to name a few.

Hey, did you notice that not once did I mention cheese?! (oh, oops! haha!!)

Warmth and sunshine

It made it over freezing today for the first time in what feels like months (but surely can’t have been, right?!)

39 degrees as a matter of fact – that’s downright balmy!

And it’s slowly melting which is filling up the local creeks:




coming toward ya!


By afternoon, that snow was off the top of the rocks.

This warm up is also definitely a plus for my neighbor, this is his house:


Some of those icicles are about 2 feet long… not good, but the (relatively) warm temperature and sunshine shrank them a little.

Anyway, it was fun being outside on a day like today after so many super-cold, snowy and cloudy days…

and even though it’s supposed to get colder and snow again.

Ah, such is winter!

Saturday Signboard #30

Sometimes you just have to change your perspective and


…look at things differently.

Maybe just do a cartwheel with your eyes open.

It helps. Really!

Enjoy your Saturday!


The wind is blowing.

The sun is shining.

Let’s go sailing!

(or not-so-much!)

Since there’s snow on the ground.

And the temperature is heading below zero.


Parked for the winter. It’s probably best…


Twin boats, side by side… in the snow!


That yellow sure jumps out of the photograph on this hazy, winter day.

Maybe it’s just me, but the sight of all these boats on a day like today (yes, even snow-covered!) gives me a hopeful, happy, warm feeling.

Or maybe that’s just the heat kicking on…

Enjoy the first Friday of the year!!

Saturday Signboard #28

Signboard #28 on the 28th!

That’s a fun coincidence (and maybe a good sign?!)

I couldn’t have planned it better if I tried!



PS: Happy Birthday to my brother (the one whose birthday is today! hehe!!) Hope you’re having a great day!!

Tropical Dreams

I looked back on the last week or so of posts and realized that they’ve mostly been of snow.

Add to that the current dreary, cloudy, rain/freezing-rain, waiting-for-six-to-12-inches-of-snowfall kind of day.

Then add to that a few family members and a friend who live in Florida that have called and asked “How’s the weather?” (snicker-guffaw) and “Is it sunny and 85 there today, too?” (did I mention snicker-guffaw?!)

And it makes a gal wax nostalgic for a short 6 months ago when I was lounging in the warmth of the Florida sunshine.

wait... is that green grass?!

beautiful water and breaking waves! wait… is that green grass?!

ahhh... feel that warm sun!

ahhh… feel that warm sun!

Again I want to make clear that I am not complaining about the current weather here (ok, maybe I am a little bit… I mean snow is ok but icy roads? that’s crap!) but even the photos of the blue ocean and sky and the sunshine are warming me up and putting a smile on my face.

Hope you all have a warm and happy Friday!

PS: You can take advantage of a free upgrade to next-day shipping if you purchase any of my photographs and posters from imagekind!  (offer ends at midnight tonight)
Here are the links to my galleries:




What better time than now?

“The trouble is, you think you have time.” (Buddha)


…or as a friend of mine would say ~ Carpe the hell out of this diem!

Live life fearlessly!


Computer work today.

More specifically, I’ve been spending some time updating and adding to my online galleries on the Imagekind website ~ www.artbycarol.imagekind.com (you can also click on the links at the top of the right hand column).

It’s really hard to choose what photographs to include because everyone has different tastes in the art they want hanging in their home or office or kids rooms or dorm rooms or wherever.

Ultimately, I think I do a pretty good job of picking an array of styles, concepts, genre, seasons, etc. to choose from. This is a collage of some I just added:

galleries collage

When it comes down to it, who knows what will sell?

What I do know is that art ~ prints of my photographs in particular (what? it is my blog, after all! hehe!) ~ make great gifts for everyone so I want to have as many options as possible heading into the holiday/Christmas season.

I’m also working on a separate gallery for Louden. He’s spoiled enough for his own site, right?!

One of the fun things about the imagekind site is that it’s interactive. You can choose the size, how you want it printed ~ your mat and frame colors and styles or wrapped canvas ~ you can even choose the color of your wall to see how the print will look in the space!

Please take a look at what I have for sale on my site(s) and share this blog, the websites, my facebook page, etc. with your friends and family! And as always, if you have any questions, please send me an email or message.

Thanks for your continued support!

Eyes Wide Open

Make dreams into goals and goals into reality!
